all postcodes in L28 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L28 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L28 7RA 0 53.431776 -2.864498
L28 7RB 0 53.43238 -2.865504
L28 7RD 0 53.432434 -2.86424
L28 7RE 1 53.433886 -2.868485
L28 7RF 0 53.433039 -2.866345
L28 7RG 0 53.432817 -2.867153
L28 7RH 0 53.436253 -2.861894
L28 7RJ 0 53.435659 -2.862093
L28 7RL 0 53.435558 -2.861128
L28 7RQ 0 53.433471 -2.867498